In director John Stewart Muller's stylish psychological thriller, Mira Sorvino stars as Veronica, a politician's wife whose brief affair with a troubled young artist comes back to haunt her when he begins to infiltrate every part of her life. While her husband (Cary Elwes) and daughter (Katherine McNamara) are away, New Orleans psychiatrist Veronica Simon (Mira Sorvino) enjoys a weekend fling with Victor (Christopher Backus), an alluring young sculptor. But after Veronica calls off the affair, Victor refuses to let go and will stop at nothing to have Veronica for himself. Just how far will Victor go to get what he wants, and is there anything Veronica can do to stop his mad obsession before it destroys her [email protected]
Mira Sorvino演技炸裂啊又如此不动声色,厉害。整体气氛和节奏也把握得不错,就是这剧情有点。。太一眼望得到头了吧。
从头吓到尾 这俩现实中竟然是夫妻哈哈哈哈
In director John Stewart Muller's stylish psychological thriller Mira Sorvino stars as Veronica a politician's wife whose brief affair with a troubled young artist comes back to haunt her when he begins to infiltrate every part of her life. While her husband (Cary Elwes) and daughter (Katherine McNamara) are away New Orleans psychiatrist Veronica Simon (Mira Sorvino) enjoys ...