A mentally unstable young man goes on a mission to hunt down and murder all the therapists he blames for messing up his mind and his life.
有意思的名 题材也吸引人 但整片逻辑就真的说不通 家庭环境也有问题 但杀了俩人进医院关了两次 都过几年后放出来就离谱 最后彻底黑化大开杀戒 把问题指向妹妹和社会 理解导演的点但很难共情 剪辑完全放不开重点不明显
We all have to look at ourselves in the mirror and embrace the demons who stare back at us. 意图透过儿时失宠 被娈童 罹患精神疾病又遭恐怖治疗去合理化或解析性本恶的增长蔓延衍化 但是并不成功