Scheme Birds bursts with the frustration of a generation of Scots let down by society’s promises. We see the fading steel town through the eyes of Gemma, a soon-to-be mother on the verge of adulthood. In a place where you “either get knocked up or locked up,” Gemma carves out brief moments of tenderness amidst the violence of her local scheme.
From Take One Action Film Festival.
#第12屆TIDF# 《危巢青春》。我睡著了,直到中段播了Beach house的Space Song才醒過來⋯⋯
原来真的是纪录片 omg
2021TIDF 觀點太強的青春憂傷故事 轉折太過於詭異 小孩哭聲到後半段以及JP朋友的書寫皆是蜻蜓點水 又沒能拍出浮光掠影的效果 何必如此消耗題材