在反乌托邦的未来| 两个对手帮派争取控制的Frazier公园为所有意图目的是剩下的有人居住的世界。 帮派解决争端
领导打“打败打败”| 一个流行的舞蹈视频游戏的致命版本。 土地的力量已经转移,让当地的酗酒者
成为吸毒成瘾者和更糟。 JTRO能否克服兑换弗雷泽公园所需的障碍? 竞技舞蹈视频游戏“节拍革命”。
In a dystopian future| two rival gangs fight for control of Frazier Park which for all intents purposes is the remaining inhabited world. Gangs settle disputes for
leadership by playing "Beat Beat Revelation"| a deadly version of a popular dance video game. The power of the land has shifted leaving the local alcoholics tobecome meth addicts and worse. Can JTRO overcome the obstacles necessary to redeem Frazier Park? Competitive dance-fight video game "Beat-Beat Revolution."
这…… 操