The film takes place before, during and immediately after the engagement party of Dr.Henry Jekyll and Miss Fanny Osborne, attended by numerous highly respectable guests (a general, a doctor, a priest, a lawyer), the last of which informs the company that a child has been murdered in the street outside. While the others watch a young dancer perform, Dr.Jekyll instructs the lawyer to alter his will, leaving everything to a certain Mr.Hyde. Shortly afterwards, the dancer is found murdered, and the guests realise that one of their number must be a maniac with a prodigious sexual appetite...
海啸tsunamilab 柔光看着太舒服了 整个电影也是缓缓的 就是故事看着有点累 特别餐桌上的学术探讨 打脑壳 泡澡之后的性格逆转很奇幻 男主有点好看
The film takes place before during and immediately after the engagement party of Dr.Henry Jekyll and Miss Fanny Osborne attended by numerous highly respectable guests (a general a doctor a priest a lawyer) the last of which informs the company that a child has been murdered in the street outside. While the others watch a young dancer perform Dr.Jekyll instructs the lawye...