Somewhere on isolated mountainous plain. Johann has taken over his father’s farm, devoting all his time and energy to his work. Surrounded by a struggling community and a natural landscape that has taught him all he knows, his heritage is his entire life. As autumn goes and winter comes, a barn burns to the ground and jeopardizes the fragile balance of the farm's survival. The story of a man trying to love the world he belongs to one last time, as hard as he can, before it sinks into darkness.
我是有多蛋疼 逃了班饿着肚子特地跑去看这样部电影 结果昏昏入睡 哈欠连连 除了画面美挑不出什么亮眼的 导演要不要这么矫情?
Somewhere on isolated mountainous plain. Johann has taken over his father’s farm devoting all his time and energy to his work. Surrounded by a struggling community and a natural landscape that has taught him all he knows his heritage is his entire life. As autumn goes and winter comes a barn burns to the ground and jeopardizes the fragile balance of the farm's survival. The ...