Close to Me follows Jo Harding (Connie Nielsen), a woman who seems to have it all with a beautiful house in the country, a loving family and a devoted husband (Christopher Eccleston). But, following a fall, an entire year suddenly vanishes from Jo’s memory. As she struggles to piece events together, Jo discovers that her life wasn’t quite as perfect as she imagined, and that someone will do all they can to keep a terrible secret from her.
情節不能說是老套吧,但是這種失憶了尋找過去確實是有比較多人拍過電視和電影的,總體來說前面幾集懸念是夠的,這個應該定義屬於家庭懸疑,沒有太多犯罪只是道德的違背。一些跑龍套的配角,反復出現的回憶和詭異的音樂,倒也不差 為什麼三星呢,最後一集女主不停地大喘氣講話非常非常慢讓我及其煩躁,我以為要說什麼驚天動地的大事,原來只是說要離婚了,沒錯女主的表演真的好浮誇好喜歡尖叫…話外音也讓我崩潰 這一下子格局就小...
就……这大费周章,不懂。FOR 康妮·尼尔森
Close to Me follows Jo Harding (Connie Nielsen) a woman who seems to have it all with a beautiful house in the country a loving family and a devoted husband (Christopher Eccleston). But following a fall an entire year suddenly vanishes from Jo’s memory. As she struggles to piece events together Jo discovers that her life wasn’t quite as perfect as she imagined and that so...