Jean Arthur stars as Congresswoman Phoebe Frost in Wilder's satire of American sexual mores. She arrives in bombed-out postwar Berlin in 1947 as part of a congressional delegation assigned to investigate the moral behavior of the American occupying troops. As part of her mission, she delivers a cake baked by his fiancee to Capt. John Pringle (John Lund), who immediately trades it on the black market for a mattress, which he takes to the apartment of his current girlfriend, Erika von Schluetow (Marlene Dietrich), an alluring German nightclub singer. While touring the city, researching the G.I.s appetite for blond German women and alcohol, Phoebe, mistaken for a German, is picked up by some of the soldiers and taken to a club which features the singing of Erika. When she sees a familiar cake being served, she becomes suspicious and orders John to watch the woman's apartment to identify her American lover. After seeing some newsreel footage of Erika with Hitler, Phoebe asks John to show her the woman's file, but he distracts her from further investigation by coming on to the congresswoman, who responds with surprising passion. A comedy edged with cruelty, it features one of Dietrich's quintessential performances.
Billy Wilder又把二战后的德国拎出来调侃,嘲讽了美国悲切了德国。两个女人撑起全片。Jean Arthur从造型上就引领全片,亮~Dietrich一如既往真女神,潇洒又风情!PS:Billy Wilder是多钟情于Dietrich的腿?
Marlene Dietrich真是一个强悍御姐。 跟保守古板情窦没开的国会议员,德国女歌手显然魅力更大。但比利怀德的风格呢,还是让国会议员得手了——当菲比一步一步把约翰尼逼到角落强行要跟他在一起的时候,整一个女痴汉。只好无奈摇头大笑,这很比利怀德。