January 2016. The love story that brought me to this village in Alsace where I live ended six months ago. At 45, I am now alone, without a car, a job or any real prospects, surrounded by luxuriant nature, the proximity of which is not enough to calm the deep distress into which I am plunged. France, still in shock from the November terror attacks, is in a state of emergency. I feel helpless, I suffocate with contained rage. I am lost and I watch four to five films a day. I decide to record this stagnation, not by picking up a camera but by editing shots from the stream of films I watch.
contre la laideur du monde/i see a darkness/后重看 「Les nuits de la pleine lune」|20190925Reflet AP重看
January 2016. The love story that brought me to this village in Alsace where I live ended six months ago. At 45 I am now alone without a car a job or any real prospects surrounded by luxuriant nature the proximity of which is not enough to calm the deep distress into which I am plunged. France still in shock from the November terror attacks is in a state of emergency. I ...
社恐影迷的影像絮语,由作者在7个月时间内看过的400余部影片中的镜头拼贴而成,基本辨识不出几部片名(除了[飞向太空]),不过影片着力点也不在于此,影像与日记式的旁白之间时而无缝贴合,时而有着各异的隐喻距离,文本与影像、声音和画面间的对位关系既包蕴着诗意,又引人遐思。| 电影是镜子,不是窗户(这点个人不同意,二者共存交织)。 | 死在[天空属于你们]之前的父亲 | 电影是发泄,是逃脱,是复苏;电影是...