A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police, led by Natalie Chandler's replacement, the recently promoted Wes Leyton, suspect the car owner, the unpleasant Michael Gennis, but learn that the car was stolen and the actual driver, Finn Tyler, intended to kill himself by driving onto the track but survived. Jake Thorne is anxious to prosecute for murder but Tyler's lawyer, Kate Barker, puts up a case of diminished responsibility by reason of insanity though the case is found. Shortly afterwards Tyler is found dead in his cell and suspicion falls on D.S. Sam Casey, being his last known visitor. Jake also learns that Kate is to join the prosecution team.
还是很喜欢这部剧 虽然每集格式都一样 每个案子都反映了深刻的社会或者人性的问题 发人深省 不为吓人或者故弄玄虚而拍 很难得 // 好容易才等到S7E6的更新 把小孩跟亲身父母分开这种政策 说不准对小孩是好是坏 对有良心的父母太残忍 对没良心的父母反而不痛不痒 哎 // 看到季终发现新检察官萌萌的
A car left on a level crossing causes a crash which kills fifteen people though the driver cannot be found. Initially the police led by Natalie Chandler's replacement the recently promoted Wes Leyton suspect the car owner the unpleasant Michael Gennis but learn that the car was stolen and the actual driver Finn Tyler intended to kill himself by driving onto the track but...