Carla Harris, a beautiful but not so successful actress from L.A., witnesses how her husband is tragically killed in an attempt to save a woman from her male attacker. She travels to her parents' home in a small town in the mountains to get some rest only to be repeatedly harassed by redneck locals and a teenager. The local sheriff refuses to help and so it all ends up in a gang rape and with Carla's parents shot dead. Carla survives and escapes from the mental hospital to seek bloody revenge
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Carla Harris a beautiful but not so successful actress from L.A. witnesses how her husband is tragically killed in an attempt to save a woman from her male attacker. She travels to her parents' home in a small town in the mountains to get some rest only to be repeatedly harassed by redneck locals and a teenager. The local sheriff refuses to help and so it all ends up in a gan...
前半段烂得很彻底,主题曲一个劲给你单曲循环,也不管合不合适,穿帮贼多,废戏不断,男人多是精虫上脑,警察全都屁用不顶,剧情还是Rape Revenge那一套,不过受了Slasher Film热潮的影响,杀人方式更为夸张猎奇,动作戏虽然粗糙好笑,但不乏亮点,而且娱乐性逐步升级,冰厂作为猫鼠游戏的背景很是新鲜,农产品店的决战毫不吝啬血浆