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    守望者:面罩之下 (/Watchmen: Under the Hood)

    • 主演:马特·弗里沃 卡拉·古奇诺 史蒂芬·麦克哈蒂 杰弗里·迪恩·摩根 丹·佩恩 
    • 导演:Eric Matthies 
    • 分类:动作片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2009 
    • 更新:01.01
    • 简介:mock documentary on the formation and eventual dissolution of the Minutemen, the original group of superheroes from 1940 who preceded the Watchmen. Stars from the Watchmen movie team in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful first-hand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence. Two fan-essential stories. One place to watch the excitement. Watching ..


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      mock documentary on the formation and eventual dissolution of the Minutemen, the original group of superheroes from 1940 who preceded the Watchmen. Stars from the Watchmen movie team in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owl's powerful first-hand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence. Two fan-essential stories. One place to watch the excitement. Watching the Watchmen begins here.

    守望者:面罩之下 - 中字版 → https://www.bilibili.com/video/av73228296 —— 中英双字版 → https://www.bilibili.com/video/av840191701

      mock documentary on the formation and eventual dissolution   of the Minutemen the original group of superheroes from 1940 who preceded the Watchmen.   Stars from the Watchmen movie team in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood based on Nite Owl's powerful first-hand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence. Two fan-essential stories. One place to watch the e...


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