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    探戈“沙洛姆” (/Tango Shalom)



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      In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan, Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny, The Producers, How to Be A Latin Lover), and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda, a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur Hora dancer, enters a big, televised Tango competition to save his Hebrew school from bankruptcy. There is only one problem: due to his orthodox religious principles, he is not allowed to touch a woman! At odds with his wife and five kids, the Grand Rabbi of his orthodox sect, and Moshe’s entire Hasidic community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Moshe is compelled to ask a Catholic priest, a Muslim imam, and a Sikh holy man for advice. Together, they hash out a plan to help Moshe dance in the Tango contest without sacrificing his sacred beliefs...setting in motion a fun, passionate dance movie. Heart-pumping and heartwarming, Tango Shalom tests the bonds of family and community, and the bounds of tolerance and faith. An interfaith milestone, this film is also notable for being the first movie in history to be a joint collaboration between The Vatican, a Hasidic Synagogue, a Sikh Temple, and a Mosque. Winner of Best Independent Film at the Toronto Film Channel Awards, and Best Comedy Best Actor at Montreal Independent Film Festival, Jaipur Critics Best Film.

      In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny The Producers How to Be A Latin Lover) and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur H...

    是我看过最避重就轻的信仰危机,最轻描淡写的中年危机……Mazel tov!


    • 0.0高清版三个瑞典美女在上巴伐利亚Gianni Garko,Alexander Grill,Beate Hasenau,Herbert Fux,Rosl Mayr,Willy Harlander,Herta Worell,Willy Schultes,Jacques Herlin,Marie Luise Lusewitz,Otto Retzer
    • 6.4高清版疯狂靓妹仔菲比·凯茨,马修·莫迪恩 Matthew Modine,雷·沃尔斯顿 Ray Walston,贝茜·拉塞尔 Betsy Russell
    • 0.0高清版兄弟,请注意张琪,韩彦博,王劲松,赵海燕,崔志佳,于文文,张一鸣,张子栋,韩云云,黄允桐,魏翔,常远,潘斌龙
    • 7.8高清版银色·性·男女安迪·麦克道威尔,布鲁斯·戴维森,朱丽安·摩尔,马修·莫迪恩,安妮·阿彻,弗莱德·沃德,詹妮弗·杰森·李,克里斯·潘,杰克·莱蒙,玛德琳·斯托,蒂姆·罗宾斯,莉莉·汤姆林,汤姆·威兹,弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德,彼得·盖勒,莉莉·泰勒,小罗伯特·唐尼,巴克·亨利
    • 8.3高清版秘密花园西田尚美,利重刚,角替和枝,田中规子,鹤田忍,内藤武敏,加藤贵子,西牟田恵,伊集院光,德井优,滨田麻里,松冈俊介,田中要次,木村多江,寺十吾,日野阳仁,铃木卓尔,宍户美和公
    • 6.3高清版小唐璜情史奥雷利安·雷克因,维吉妮·拉朵嫣,塞伦娜·格兰蒂,克劳迪娜·奥格尔,玛丽娜·维拉迪
    • 7.4高清版迷离劫张曼玉,让-皮埃尔·利奥德,娜塔莉·理查德,阿欣妮·哈尼安,娜塔莉·布伏
    • 7.9高清版临时工留比沙·萨马季奇,米莲娜·德拉维奇,韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇,弗拉丝塔·克内佐维奇,雷利亚·巴希奇,奈妲·阿耐勒尔维茨,米亚·阿列克西奇,伊丽莎维塔·萨布利奇,尼古拉·科约,彼得·卡斯滕,奥利维拉·马尔科维奇,Milivoje Tomic,Bozidar Pavicevic-Longa,Dusan Janicijevic,Radmila Gutesa,Vladan Zivkovic,Ljiljana Sljapic,Miroslava Nikolic,耶丽察·斯赖泰诺维奇,Dusan Tadic,Vo
    • 7.0高清版南北醉拳袁小田,黄正利,林瑛,元奎,袁信义,石天,任世官,袁振洋,胡大为
    • 7.3高清版八喜临门吴耀汉,冯宝宝,吕方,罗美薇,楼南光,陈百强,李丽珍,关佩琳
    • 6.2高清版哈拉猛男秀2:欧洲种马罗伯·施奈德,艾迪·格里芬,Edwin Alofs,蒂尔·施威格,余炳贤
    • 0.0高清版禁区Hervé Villechaize,Susan Tyrrell,Gisele Lindley,Jan Stuart Schwartz,Marie-Pascale Elfman,Virginia Rose

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