After a brief fling, Rita (spiritually minded 24 year old who identifies as a lesbian that works as a mental health worker) and Adam (25 year old flamboyant, straight career obsessed filmmaker) decide that they are better off as friends than romantic partners. This realization changes drastically when a week later they find out they are pregnant due to a failed condom and a failed Plan b pill. After debating whether this anomaly is bad luck or destiny, Rita and Adam decide to keep the baby and enter the wild and crazy world of unplanned parenthood. A true story of what to expect when you're not expecting.
真的非常inconceivable了……女主真的是很酷的女孩子鸭 不过家里人觉得未婚先孕比同性恋好这件事情也真实得令人想哭唉 不管怎么说要做一个独立女性始终是现在所有的女性应该为之奋斗的目标。
After a brief fling Rita (spiritually minded 24 year old who identifies as a lesbian that works as a mental health worker) and Adam (25 year old flamboyant straight career obsessed filmmaker) decide that they are better off as friends than romantic partners. This realization changes drastically when a week later they find out they are pregnant due to a failed condom and a fai...