Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama True Detective, Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted by them. Real Detective blends documentary and scripted elements -- and narratives driven exclusively by the detectives themselves -- to create cinematic true crime TV, with featured guest stars including Michael Madsen, Devon Sawa, Curtis Caravaggio and Zoie Palmer. Each hourlong episode ventures deep into the mind of a homicide detective as he or she describes in vivid detail the one case forever ingrained in the memory.
Inspired by HBO's acclaimed drama True Detective Investigation Discovery brings to life actual homicide cases through the words of the law enforcement officers who are still haunted by them. Real Detective blends documentary and sc
都是有点年头的案子,其实也算宣传片了:第一个案子 The Seattle Jungle Kille DeWayne Lee(演员演得吓到我了),第二个案子Westley Allan Dodd(女警察那个案子里她讲我执法过程中没有觉得受到不尊重,反而因为街区的好多年轻人都是单亲妈妈带大的,所以更愿意跟我open-up