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    疯狂寻欢 (Amuck/Alla ricerca del piacere)

    • 主演:Barbara Bouchet Rosalba Neri 
    • 导演:Silvio Amadio 
    • 分类:恐怖片
    • 地区:意大利 
    • 年份:1972 
    • 更新:01.01
    • 简介:Italian murder mysteries don't come any sexier than Amuck!, originally titled Alla Ricera del Piacere (In the Pursuit of Pleasure). Though the story may be another retread of the old Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? gimmick of a seemingly innocent assistant turning out to be much more than they appear, there's thankfully much more here than meets the eye. Lovely blonde Greta (Barbara Bouchet) has ..


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      Italian murder mysteries don't come any sexier than Amuck!, originally titled Alla Ricera del Piacere (In the Pursuit of Pleasure). Though the story may be another retread of the old Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? gimmick of a seemingly innocent assistant turning out to be much more than they appear, there's thankfully much more here than meets the eye. Lovely blonde Greta (Barbara Bouchet) has just begun a new job as the secretary to prominent writer and art snob Richart Stuart (Farley Granger), who lives in an isolated Venetian country home with his perverse wife, Eleanora (Rosalba Neri). After the wife and secretary enjoy a slo-mo tumble in the sheets, it turns out Greta has actually come to investigate the disappearance of the Stuarts' last assistant, Sally, who happened to be Greta's lesbian lover. During a petting party, Richard shows off a porno version of Little Red Riding Hood which he shuts off abruptly when Sally appears in the frame. Then a casual hunting trip into the marshes turns nasty when Greta nearly loses her life in quicksand, and Richard's latest whodunit novel begins to bear a sinister resemblance to the deadly events occurring inside his house... Thanks to the inspired teaming of Eurocult goddesses Bouchet and Neri, both of whom have copious nude scenes ensuring a strong fan following, Amuck! succeeds as a slinky thriller guaranteed to raise one's temperature a few degrees, even if the mystery angle itself is rather limited. All three leads offer enthusiastic performances, with Granger's shifty, wooden demeanor actually serving him well in contrast to some of his less memorable giallo turns in The Slasher Is the Sex Maniac and What Have They Done to Your Daughters? Meanwhile Neri takes top acting honors for her nasty bitch in heat routine, which really comes into play during the feverish drawing room climax. For once all of the sex scenes and bare skin are genuinely integral to the story, which features a haunting flashback near the end accompanied by Teo Usuelli's catchy, repetitive theme song in which a woman repeatedly purrs, Sexually! This nifty piece has become a retro music staple in recent years thanks to CD compilations, gaining a familiarity to rival Vampyros Lesbos, but the entire score is up there with the best of its time and deserves a CD release. http://www.mo/amuck.html

      Italian murder mysteries don't come any sexier than Amuck! originally titled Alla Ricera del Piacere (In the Pursuit of Pleasure). Though the story may be another retread of the old Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? gimmick of a seemingly innocent assistant turning out to be much more than they appear there's thankfully much more here than meets the eye.   Lovely blonde Greta (B...


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    • 6.2高清版疯狂寻欢Barbara Bouchet,Rosalba Neri
    • 0.0高清版同盗中人思文佳·永,弗雷德里克·劳,基达·拉马丹,克里斯托夫·F·克鲁茨勒,Karl Welunschek
    • 0.0高清版窃听风云4
    • 7.3高清版搭车Franco Nero,Corinne Clery,David Hess
    • 0.0高清版再见吧马里奥·卡萨斯,露丝·迪亚斯,文森特·罗米洛,皮拉尔·戈麦斯,康斯薇洛·特鲁希略,马里奥拉·福恩特斯,莫雷诺·博尔哈,卡洛斯·巴登,纳塔利娅·德·莫利纳,Paulina Fenoy,Mauricio Morales,莫娜·马丁内斯,Pablo Gómez-Pando,Juan Carlos Villanueva,Carlos Cabra,Ramiro Alonso,Mané Solano,Salva Reina,Mariola Ruiz,Ricardo Fernández Blanco,Juan Luis
    • 0.0高清版战栗第六感埃里克·罗伯茨,卡瑞·伍尔,朗·普尔曼,保罗·勒马特,克莱尔·斯坦斯菲尔德,特蕾西·尼汉姆,基兰·马尔罗尼,小艾德·博格里
    • 7.6高清版007之黑日危机皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,苏菲·玛索,罗伯特·卡莱尔,丹妮丝·理查兹,罗彼·考特拉尼,朱迪·丹奇,戴斯蒙德·莱维林,约翰·克里斯,玛丽亚·格拉齐亚·库奇诺塔,萨曼莎·邦德,迈克尔·基臣,科林·萨蒙,戈尔迪,大卫·卡尔德,塞丽娜·斯科特·托马斯,乌尔里奇·汤姆森,约翰·塞鲁,克劳德-奥利弗·鲁道夫,帕特里克·麦拉海德,欧米德·吉亚李利,杰夫·那托尔,迪兰·梅格雷布利安,尤斯图斯·冯·多赫纳尼,哈萨尼·沙皮,马丁·刘易斯,黛西·博蒙特,戴兹·克劳福特,法里德·法特米,克里斯蒂尼·亚当斯,罗伊·阿隆,肖恩·克罗宁,韦德
    • 5.7高清版猛鬼舞厅刘家辉,卢惠光,徐少强,林迪安,单桂枝,罗烈,陈百祥,熊欣欣
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