IMPOSSIBLE ENGINEERING details how giant structures, record-beating buildings, war ships and space crafts are built and work. As the show revels in these modern day creations, it also leaps back in time to recount the stories of the exceptional engineers whose technological advances made it all possible.
Episodes include…
1. Mega Bridge
2. Ultimate Warship
3. Skyscraper of the Future
4. Ultimate Airport
5. World's Fastest Train
6. World's Largest Plane
8.1 有一天,我的华为手机自带浏览器日推新闻看完后,尾部有一篇“世界最的高桥梁”,打开一看居然不是中国的,是法国的米约高架桥,我顿时心很不服气,想这些年我国横空出世多少座云端之桥,如湖北的四渡河大桥,谷底至桥面高差达560米,简直吓死人,又如于2019年12月30日通车运营的贵州平塘大桥,桥墩高达328米,我大中国基建狂魔的称号岂是浪得虚名,看完后我百度米约高架桥,然后看了几个视频,接着就进入b...
IMPOSSIBLE ENGINEERING details how giant structures record-beating buildings war ships and space crafts are built and work. As the show revels in these modern day creations it also leaps back in time to recount the stories of the exceptional engineers whose technological advances made it all possible. Episodes include… 1. Mega Bridge 2. Ultimate Warship 3. Skyscraper of the ...
To make the impossible possible