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    魔鬼门徒 (/The Devils Disciple)

    • 主演:伯特·兰卡斯特 柯克·道格拉斯 劳伦斯·奥利弗 
    • 导演:盖伊·汉弥尔顿 亚历山大·麦肯德里克 
    • 分类:战争片
    • 地区:英国,美国 
    • 年份:1959 
    • 更新:01.01
    • 简介:In a small New England town during the American War of Independence, Dick Dudgeon, a revolutionary American Puritan, is mistaken for local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson and arrested by the British. Dick discovers himself incapable of accusing another human to suffer and continues to masquerade as the reverend. The minister's wife, Judith, is moved by Dick's actions and mistakenly interprets them ..


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      In a small New England town during the American War of Independence, Dick Dudgeon, a revolutionary American Puritan, is mistaken for local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson and arrested by the British. Dick discovers himself incapable of accusing another human to suffer and continues to masquerade as the reverend. The minister's wife, Judith, is moved by Dick's actions and mistakenly interprets them as an expression of love for her. In spite of his protestations she finds herself romantically attracted to him. Brought before British commander General Burgoyne, Dudgeon displays his willingness to die for his principles. At the last minute Dick is saved from ministerial pursuits to become a revolutionary leader.

    ^q^ 从原著视角看,选角还合适,改编还合理,很好地纪念了萧伯纳先生。有点想看柯伯联手的舞台剧了。 欠人一命,救人法场。原著关系更像父子,片中二位差不多年纪,气场相当,变为好哥们。结尾那个眨眼简直了…Richard心领神会的笑容不要太可爱

     In a small New England town during the American War of Independence Dick Dudgeon a revolutionary American Puritan is mistaken for local minister Rev.

    @filmoteca #道格拉斯百年# 萧伯纳剧作改编,三大男神同场,道格拉斯是发挥最好的一个。


      In a small New England town during the American War of Independence Dick Dudgeon a revolutionary American Puritan is mistaken for local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson and arrested by the British. Dick discovers himself incapable of accusing another human to suffer and continues to masquerade as the reverend. The minister's wife Judith is moved by Dick's actions and mistake...


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