The Story is about a power battle which is taking place in the higher echelons of power unrelated and unconnected episodes occurring in different parts of the globe, Intertwine in an unforeseen manner to a revelation of mind games. The story delves the audience into the game of a brilliant master mind to reveal the true nature of all that are involved. It challenges the perceptions of who is the hunter and who is the hunted. It blends in a thrilling story with commercial elements of story telling to deliver a high octane action entertainer appealing to all segments of the audience.
全程没快进,剧情脑洞打开,还能连得上,人物特写6到飞起,装逼等级略高,暴力美学看着很舒畅,很多环境场面特写真的很棒, 算是目前看过印度片里最暴力和画面控制得好电影,值得一看。
不愧是印度神剧,牛顿看了会沉默、伽利略看了会流泪。 男主角出场自带BGM,下雨+踩着雨水走路的特写+慢镜头,打斗必定慢镜头+旋转镜头。 男女双打装逼指数更高,枪林弹雨中深情对望、眉目传情。他们百发百中,敌人百发零中。 别的电影83分钟都快完了,这部电影83分钟才现片名,才刚刚开始。 还有在空中抓住降落伞包; 抓着喷气行者在摩天大楼侧面漫步; 飞行器飞到一半没电了,就把飞行器取了。 一脚踹飞摩托车手...