简介: 一个邪恶的军阀他们的年度节日之一期间侵入宁静的湖畔村庄。在烧毁的建筑过程|执行无助的平民和一般抢劫和掠夺|军阀的手下炸毁村庄神的雕像,并在湖深下沉件。一切看起来毫无希望的村里的人,直到从水面下方的怪力拔开始敌兵到他们的死亡。具有本地回来报复? An evil warlord invades a peaceful lakeside village during one of their annual festivals. In the course of burning d..
An evil warlord invades a peaceful lakeside village during one of their annual festivals. In the course of burning down buildings| executing helpless civilians and
generally looting and pillaging| the warlord's men blow up the statue of the village god and sink the pieces deep in the lake. Everything looks hopeless for the
people of the village until a strange force from beneath the water's surface begins pulling enemy soldiers to their deaths. Has the local come back for its revenge?