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    兄弟们 (Brothers/Brüder)

    • 主演:Gyula Balogh Ilse Berger Erna Schumacher 
    • 导演:Herr Werner Hochbaum 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:德国 
    • 年份:1929 
    • 更新:01.01
    • 简介:“Brüder”, a film directed by Herr Werner Hochbaum ( who was a remarkable film director in the talkie 30’s ), was one of those films which showed the harsh daily life of the working class. The film depicts, in a kind of fictional documentary, the 1896 Hamburg dockworkers' strike: the workers receiv..


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      “Brüder”, a film directed by Herr Werner Hochbaum ( who was a remarkable film director in the talkie 30’s ), was one of those films which showed the harsh daily life of the working class. The film depicts, in a kind of fictional documentary, the 1896 Hamburg dockworkers' strike: the workers receive meagre wages for hard work and live under miserable conditions and finally go on strike (to make matters more personal, one of the strikers has a brother who is a policeman). Even though the inspiration for the story was an event that took place in the XIX century, things had little changed by the troublesome twenties so the story had a perfect contemporary ring. “Brüder” was a co production of the docker's labour union with the SPD (German Social democrat Party); this was nothing unusual for German productions filmed in that era. Political films were often supported by political parties like the SPD or German communist sympathizers since film was such a good vehicle for propaganda. Besides its political and historical interest, this film is very interesting for its artistic merits in spite of Herr Hochbaum's slow pacing. “Brüder” was influenced by the notorious Russian cinema in concept, style and its political message for the working class masses. The documentary angle of the film ( the most important and successful film aspect for this German count ) vividly shows he terrible daily life of the common people in Germany. This is done without embellishment and vividly paints a sad portrait of a common family ( which could be any family ) and their desperation in a country that was torn by continuous civil conflict.

    1929年世界经济危机下的魏玛电影,绕不开政治命题和严峻时代下的阶级矛盾升温,大量运用象征主义手法和特写镜头,以及对蒙太奇的稚嫩探索。片中那种自然的纪实风格很让人喜欢。 该片数字修复版在第72届柏林电影节首映,由柏林爱乐乐团现场配乐。

      “Brüder” a film directed by Herr Werner Hochbaum ( who was a remarkable film director in the talkie 30’s ) was one of those films which showed the harsh daily life of the working class. The film depicts in a kind of fictional documentary the 1896 Hamburg dockworkers' strike: the workers receive meagre wages for hard work and live under miserable conditions and finally go on...

    35mm live music by Stephen Horne 完美,我从未想过自己会被码头工人罢工感动到流泪。Stephen融合钢琴、手风琴、长笛、钢片琴和一两个电音小道具的sentimental配乐,剥去强烈政治感的表层,直击人心最柔软之处,尤其为女性谱写的乐段(母亲、妻子和女儿)都温柔至极。

    @ berlinale 电影本身手法比较古早 但有Berliner Philharmoniker伴奏如在云端

    @Berlinale 意识形态的时代产物 柏林爱乐乐团现场配乐太加分了


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