Ellenor is called to the house of her close friend, Senator Keith Ellison, where she finds the dead body of a man in his bed. The senator claims to shooting the man, thinking he was raping his wife, not realizing they're actually having an affair. In a sensational trial, full of twists and turns, Helen and new ADA Alan Lowe try to prove the senator murdered the man in a fit of rage - but no one is ready for the real truth behind this crime.
一直对The Practice有超乎寻常的爱,总是把人性置于最艰难的道德困境。选择跟随一腔热血,或选择维护冷冰冰的规定和限制?冲破一切道德限制,选择做一个堂吉诃德般的孤胆英雄是伟大的,而更艰难的是,在任何情况下都坚定遵循原则,甚至面对良心的拷问,前者反倒成了the easier thing.
Ellenor is called to the house of her close friend Senator Keith Ellison where she finds the dead body of a man in his bed. The senator claims to shooting the man thinking he was raping his wife not realizing they're actually having an affair. In a sensational trial full of twists and turns Helen and new ADA Alan Lowe try to prove the senator murdered the man in a fit of ...