Debt and unemployment are forces of oppression in Maggie's world in this gritty story of survival. When her ambitions of becoming a nurse are shattered, Maggie turns to The Program; a short-term work commitment that promises financial freedom. But in The Program, the lines between freedom and slavery quickly blur as Maggie discovers the dark truth about life inside the work camps. Newcomer, Zara Jestadt delivers a gripping performance in this emotionally-charged cautionary tale of systemic decline in social equality and human rights.
女主被债务和失业所迫而参加一项宣称可以短期内实现经济自由的工作,但实际上他们在这些营地里干活没有任何权利,甚至连性命都无法保全…… 黑心包工头找了一帮幻想走捷径致富的二货,然后莫名其妙每天用镐头铁锹挖地基修管道,这都啥年代,太扯了吧 女主的颜值,呃,真难看
Debt and unemployment are forces of oppression in Maggie's world in this gritty story of survival. When her ambitions of becoming a nurse are shattered Maggie turns to The Program; a short-term work commitment that promises financial freedom. But in The Program the lines between freedom and slavery quickly blur as Maggie discovers the dark truth about life inside the work cam...