The true story of Toni Jo Henry, a woman tried for the crime of murder in 1942 in the state of Louisiana. Toni Jo, a product of childhood abuse and neglect, briefly discovers love and happiness that soon turns to despair when her husband Cowboy is sent to prison and she embarks on an ill-fated plan with an accomplice Arkie to free him.
#SIFF# 临时加片,出乎意料的惊喜。真实事件改编,第一位坐上电椅的女性。整体完成度相当高,情绪酝酿随着庭审深入,直至终审判决到行刑爆发,节奏拿捏得很细腻,女主角和JH的表演也值得称赞。宗教救赎部分很反感,因为根本没有拯救,只是临终不致崩溃的自欺欺人的信仰,现世依旧荒凉冷漠。
The first time I felt the significance of the belief.