A highly intelligent, but accelerated nerdish boy falls in love (for the first time) with an older girl and goes through several obstacles after another to gain not only her heart, but the acceptance and respect he has longed for his whole life.
about teenagers who are looking how to be good with each other to care and not simply to be filled with egotism lust and selfishness
片子于我而言相当难看,看完感觉浪费了人生。但一想到各主演从此后的几十年人生经历,令人感慨。尤其是男主,最后青涩脸庞欢呼着的定格,和如今已逝十年的事实联系起来,是过于残忍的对比,下不了狠手打一星()看了看评论区几乎都是冲着WR来的,我知道这片完全是因为看了C. F.对Charlie S.诱奸Corey H.的指控......看来这事又得成罗生门了。