A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the Lusitanian superhero, the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the red menace. Starring Gonçalo Waddington, as Captain Falcão, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible for coordinating the work of doubles) as his sidekick Puto Perdiz and José Pinto in the role of portuguese dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.
2015.12.19 画面挺风格化的,从硬件来说,看起来并不算粗制滥造,但内容真的是部大烂片。本以为会是部用表面的荒诞来揭示深层的反思的讽刺雷电影,其实,它基本上只有肤浅的荒诞而已。鹧鸪小子和四月队长们的武打场面确实不错,简直有香港老武侠电影的味道了。