On January 1, 2003, in the south of Brazil, Laura, matriarch of a family of the upper middle class, found his family in their country house, for a Sunday meal. But on this day of President Lula's inauguration, nothing is going according to plan. As an echo to this political earthquake, everything seems to be deregulated in the property: the domestic revolt, the house is visibly decayed, and the neuroses and secrets of three generations threaten to take everything away.
Domingo在葡萄牙语中是星期天的意思,这部剧也就发生在新年的那天,巴西南部正好是盛夏时节。一大家子,老老少少都来了,却都各怀心思,但这种心思在东方人看来还是太明显了,远没有甄嬛后宫那些嫔妃会玩。但电影想表现的是一场家庭狗血剧,财产、出轨、叛逆、冷漠、疯癫....。我身边有个人经常挂在嘴边的一句话:亲戚要多走走,不走动就疏远了。 我倒是觉得走亲戚,尤其是逢年过节亲戚们聚在一起的场合还是少去为好,...
On January 1 2003 in the south of Brazil Laura matriarch of a family of the upper middle class found his family in their country house for a Sunday meal. But on this day of President Lula's inauguration nothing is going according to plan. As an echo to this political earthquake everything seems to be deregulated in the property: the domestic revolt the house is visibly...
基本一场一镜的狗血家庭剧,带一定政治背景的巴西《过年》,很吸引人。然而因为要赶场《日暮》没看到结局,有人能告诉我一下最后怎样了吗……? (2023.6时隔五年终于补完,评星不变,感觉是小格局家庭寓言版《新秩序》)