In BY SIDNEY LUMET, film legend Sidney Lumet (1924-2011) tells his own story in a never-before-seen interview shot in 2008 produced by the late filmmaker Daniel Anker. With candor, humor and grace, Lumet reveals what matters to him as an artist and as a human being. The documentary film features clips from Lumet's films - 44 films made in 50 years - including 12 ANGRY MEN (1957), THE FUGITIVE KIND (1960), SERPICO (1973), DOG DAY AFTERNOON (1975), THE VERDICT (1982), to name only a very few. Filmmaker Nancy Buirski (Afternoon of a Faun, The Loving Story) combines these elements to create a portrait of the work and life of one of the most accomplished and influential directors in the history of cinema. BY SIDNEY LUMET illustrates the spiritual and ethical lessons at the core of his work. First and foremost a storyteller, Lumet's strongly moral tales capture the dilemmas and concerns of a society struggling with essentials: how does one behave to others and to oneself?
导演伟大之处在于,他是一个魔法师,且玩的是白魔法,这样的魔法师是把制造黑魔法的巫师当作其一生的敌人的,他希望这个世界美好,且要世界一直美好下去。 他是伟大的魔法师,如其自述,他思考社会问题、拍社会题材电影,一切出发点首先是保障个体。若个体总被侵犯,那集体何以存在?那又何谈美好呢?
I love characters who are rebels because not accepting the status quo not accepting the way its always been done not accepting that this is the way it has to be is the fundamental area of human pr...