In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better player than him. He finally asks her out, but it is obviously the females in control of matters here, and that very much includes Gregory's younger sister.
男主好好笑,傻兮兮的还有点可爱;最后一段girls help girls的莫名其妙情节也好好笑;一片祥和又有点无聊的氛围中把日常的荒谬转化为笑点,苏格兰小镇的青春喜剧我给好评哈哈。PS. 苏格兰口音我竟然能听懂八九不离十了,想当年去苏格兰时完全怀疑自己说的不是英语
3.5 幽默 纯情 爱上了她们