JR has broken up with her professor. She enlists her nervous and obnoxious younger brother Colin to take a short road trip in order to help move out her belongings. They bicker and fight, with one another and pretty much anybody they encounter, before being brought to a place of togetherness and understanding as a result of being pushed away by everybody in their lives except one another.
marvelousbettan than any films of Woody Allens,影像质感和情绪的双重精准。
重看@filmoteca amb Alex Ross Perry 细腻精准,入木三分,笑点全部spot on,同时弥漫着一种不属于这个年代的怀旧与隔绝感。Alex可能演的就是本人吧(笑),那时候有点肥肥的,一脸委屈像个包子一样超级!无敌!可爱!