The Fitzroy is a live action black comedy set in an alternative post-apocalyptic 1950s. The world is covered in poisonous gas, and the last place for a traditional seaside holiday is The Fitzroy hotel, an abandoned submarine just off the coast of England. The film centers on Bernard, the hotel's bellboy, cook, maintenance man and general dogsbody, as he faces a constant battle to keep the decaying hotel airtight and afloat. But when he falls in love with a murderous guest, he is thrown into a mad day of lies, backstabbing and chaos. As Bernard struggles to hide her murders from the other guests and suspicious authorities, his world literally begins to sink around him.
激萌!!!!!男主英版彭于晏!!!剧情好棒!British humour赛高!
开头几笔简单的无声动画就把世界观和潜艇里人物的身份都介绍完了,真是简洁高效,中间还有点《东方快车谋杀案》的影子,不过几次反转和结局都处理过于仓促,算了,本来就是个荒诞剧,可以原谅~ PS:男主很像金凯瑞
The Fitzroy is a live action black comedy set in an alternative post-apocalyptic 1950s. The world is covered in poisonous gas and the last place for a traditional seaside holiday is The Fitzroy hotel an abandoned submarine just off the coast of England. The film centers on Bernard the hotel's bellboy cook maintenance man and general dogsbody as he faces a constant battle ...