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    飞机头 (A Trunfa/Hair High)



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      Hair High is a gothic high-school comedy with a Carrie-like story. Cherri and Rod are the high-school king and queen and they justifiably rule their domain. Spud, the new kid in town, accidentally offends both Cherri and Rod and so is forced to become Cherri's slave. Naturally, they immediately hate each other, but of course later they fall in love. Cherri and Spud secretly decide to go to the prom together, and on prom night a rejected Rod forces their car off the road and into the lake. In true 50's ballad style, their car sinks to the bottom of the lake as they share one last kiss. While the bodies of Cherri and Spud lie in a timeless embrace, Rod is successful in thwarting any investigation and is able to get away with murder. On the night of the following year's prom, the car magically comes to life and slowly drives out of the lake with Cherri and Spud...

      Hair High is a gothic high-school comedy with a Carrie-like story. Cherri and Rod are the high-school king and queen and they justifiably rule their domain. Spud the new kid in town accidentally offends both Cherri and Rod and so is forced to become Cherri's slave. Naturally they immediately hate each other but of course later they fall in love. Cherri and Spud secretly...

    shit romance





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    • 5.1更新至20集 无限世界林景,许棕哲,林簌,李春胤,齐天怡,彭博,孟祥龙,蒋丽,乔治皓,夏至,陈昊天,汪滢滢,虞晓旭,刘以嘉,徐敏,萧翟
    • 0.0更新至80集 大话封神4之最强弃少李佩泽,王梓健,师伟,张贺
    • 0.0更新至1集 光之美少女奇迹穿越 和大家的不可思议的1天悠木碧,依田菜津,河野ひより,加隈亜衣,武田華,金田アキ,白石晴香,成瀬瑛美,小原好美,安野希世乃,小松未可子,上坂すみれ,木野日菜,吉野裕行,引坂理絵,本泉莉奈,小倉唯,田村奈央,田村ゆかり,多田このみ,野田順子,福島潤,平田広明,稲垣来泉
    • 5.3更新至503集 灵剑尊kinsen,柳知萧,关帅,黄骥,季骜杰,张妮,钟巍
    • 6.5更新至12集 魔都精兵的奴隶广濑裕也,鬼头明里,宫本侑芽,日野麻里,立花日菜,内田真礼,稗田宁宁,上田丽奈
    • 8.9更新至2集 间之楔盐泽兼人,关俊彦,田中秀幸,中原茂,速水奖
    • 0.0更新至1集 熊猫和外星人切维·切斯,丹·佩恩,史葛·麦克尼尔,马修·凯文·安德森,杰夫·古斯塔夫森,阿什莉·鲍尔,Alison Wandzura,基弗·奧莱利,安德鲁·M·格雷,大卫·穆利尔查德,肖恩·帕特里克·奥赖利,Wesley Salter,孙晓,Summer O'Reilly,Sara L. Beck
    • 8.7全集纯情罗曼史 OAD2樱井孝宏,花田光,伊藤健太郎,神奈延年,岸尾大辅,井上和彦,森川智之,置鲇龙太郎
    • 0.0 全更新20250124集声生不息.大湾区季何炅 / 王祖蓝 / 容祖儿 / 薛凯琪 / 陈小春 / 古巨基 / 卫兰 / 李宇春 / 周笔畅 / 黄子弘凡 / 李昊 / 回春丹 / 陈慧娴 / 谭咏麟 / 周慧敏 / 方力申
    • 7.0更新至3集 若能与你共乘海浪之上片寄凉太,川荣李奈,松本穗香,伊藤健太郎,堀越真己,大地叶,滨野大辉,杉村宪司,河本邦弘,石谷春贵,木野日菜,弘松芹香,樱庭有纱,大泊贵挥,真木骏一,广濑裕也,西谷修一,格里芬·罗伯特·福克纳,迈克尔·约翰斯顿,比利·卡梅茨,梅利特·莉顿,艾瑞卡·林贝克,凯尔·麦卡利,埃里卡·施罗德,迈克尔·索里奇,柯克·桑顿,Brad Venable

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