Christoph is training with the Viennese special police unit WEGA, a daily life of testosterone, fighting, and peer pressure. When he shoots a man during an operation, allegedly in self-defense, his colleagues quickly celebrate him as a hero, but the outside world reacts with criticism. Soon thereafter he begins suffering from panic attacks and shows the symptoms of trauma. While battling internal impotence, he tries outwardly to uphold the appearance of the strong man so as not to forfeit his status as hero.
怀疑编剧自己都不知道想表达什么。 制作、视听简陋,商业电影元素堆满,文学脚本不知所云:女片警检举往后,整个叙事就 一路崩塌。故事简单:菜鸟见习特警Christoph击毙持刀歹徒导致心理创伤却为保正式岗(红帽子)拒绝休假治疗,当事片警举报防卫过当诱发其暴力、不举、行为失范,险遭贬为消防警;队友Toni为保上司Blago和特警荣誉弄死举报的片警……然后男主莫名回到特警队,而Blago却不干了……——心...
6.5 // 一个年轻防暴警察经历突发失误事件后的转变和成长。犹如一个短篇小说,但对警察心理和行为的展现相当细致。结尾设置颇有升华。一部被忽视的欧洲电影。
Christoph is training with the Viennese special police unit WEGA a daily life of testosterone fighting and peer pressure. When he shoots a man during an operation allegedly in self-defense his colleagues quickly celebrate him as a hero but the outside world reacts with criticism. Soon thereafter he begins suffering from panic attacks and shows the symptoms of trauma. Whil...