在1980年代赫尔辛基,一个城市即将爆发与年轻的能量和叛乱,两个年轻的作家决心征服世界疯狂地爱上了。 对于Inka,爱情使一切都在运动:她发现自己的声音,出版她的第一部小说 - 并成为一种感觉。 他们的关系的强度对Juhana有不同的影响,他开始失去他的写作,最后,失去了生活。 在爱情的高度Inka开始怀疑他们的疯狂的爱情可能实际上是真正的疯狂。
In 1980's Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: she finds her own voice, publishes her first novel - and becomes a sensation. The intensity of their relationship has a different affect on Juhana, who starts to lose his grip on writing and, finally, life. At the height of the love affair Inka starts to suspect that their mad love might actually be real madness.
我看到的是没有自我没有自信的伴侣是很可怜的;通过伪装自己而获得的伴侣也是不长久的,不管是对谁来说都不负责任,成为真实的自己才能自在相处,及时反思获得成长才是道理。 背景很意识流。