Lewis and Hathaway are called to investigate a body in some woodland. But realising three more murders are to follow, the team must hurry to catch the killer, before they happen. Hathaway is struggling to cope with his father's illness, as he begins his search to find out who he was before the dementia kicked in.
演员里有Foyles War的Sam哈哈哈。一开始说四元素时就想着应该是系列谋杀案了。
本集第一個死者是研究Charles Williams的,還被吐槽大學裡有人研究托爾金。整集扯煉金術,走向比上集好猜……推理之外,為什麼要幫偵探設定不善表達感情又得阿茲海默症的老爸(想起Perception),或被跟新來的長官盯上(想起Doctor Blake)?寫牛津的推理劇/小說這麼多,牛津的人怎麼還沒全部被殺光?
这集犯罪手法之诡异堪比Midsomer,一个老套的复仇故事在牛津背景下牵扯上了Charles Williams和炼金术的元素顿时就显得有了文化底蕴,不过案件本身很单纯,凶手比较容易锁定,因为完全没必要让这样一个基本与案件无关的人物屡次出现。