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    糊涂太空人 (糊塗太空人/Way... Way Out)



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      The Americans and Russians each have a two-person base on the Moon The Americans have had to keep replacing their astronaut teams because they quickly go crazy; they have been using only male astronauts on the unspoken assumption that this would avoid any possibility of impropriety. The Russians, as godless Communists, are under no such constraints, and their male-female team has remained well-adjusted At the start of the film, a male and female American astronaut team is sent up to replace the sex-starved all-male team. The government insists on them being married first to preserve morality. Most of the story revolves around the eventual consummation of this marriage of convenience, and around their relationship with their Russian neighbors, who keep casually dropping by.

    1962年,美俄的情侣们在月球上可以做邻居,可以穿着性感泳衣不眠不休饮酒作乐。但在地球上只有军备竞赛,政治交战,和无休无止的对抗。 真的好酷!朋克太空人!

      The Americans and Russians each have a two-person base on the Moon The Americans have had to keep replacing their astronaut teams because they quickly go crazy; they have been using only male astronauts on the unspoken assumption that this would avoid any possibility of impropriety. The Russians as godless Communists are under no such constraints and their male-female team h...

    好无聊一电影(笑哭) 但是这个片里的jerry人设可能是和他本人最接近的,rotten reputation




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