Joanna Lumley embarks on the world’s greatest train journey for this epic new three-part documentary series, The series sees Joanna travel from East to West, departing from Hong Kong across 5777 miles of both Asia and Europe, through seven time zones, taking in an immense panorama of vistas and cultures, people and places, before her final arrival in Moscow. Everything about this legendary journey is of epic proportions. It cuts across three distinct countries, cultures, landscapes and languages and crosses some of the worlds most geographically challenging, yet resource rich and scenically splendid regions. Joanna will be hopping on and off the train visiting people and places as she travels.
1. 香港 - 深圳 - 北京 - 大同 - 蒙古草原;2. 乌兰巴托 - Ulan Ude乌兰乌德 - 伊尔库茨克;3. 贝加尔湖 - 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 - 叶卡特琳堡 - 彼尔姆 - 弗拉基米尔 - 莫斯科