In 1960s England, Blake Cunningham and his alcoholic mother are forced to move into the mysterious Clemonte Hall, a vast isolated manor house, to care for his dying Grandfather who resides in the attic room. Soon, ghostly goings-on fill the house with dread, as it becomes apparent Grandfather's illness may have a supernatural cause that can only be cured by uncovering the terrifying secrets of the house and its dark history.
可能配乐是唯一还算不错的 其他都是套路,儿子在最后要被上身时的懦弱无法理解
In 1960s England Blake Cunningham and his alcoholic mother are forced to move into the mysterious Clemonte Hall a vast isolated manor house to care for his dying Grandfather who resides in the attic room. Soon ghostly goings-on fill the house with dread as it becomes apparent Grandfather's illness may have a supernatural cause that can only be cured by uncovering the terri...
老套路,邪教擦边球。 爷爷造型猛一看,有点西弗勒斯·斯内普教授既视感。