An affectionate look back at the making of the classic TV dramatisation of Evelyn Waugh's famous novel, Brideshead Revisited. The documentary/tribute features contributions from Derek Granger (Producer), Jeremy Irons (Charles Ryder), Anthony Andrews (Sebastian Flyte), Charles Sturridge (Director), Diana Quick (Julia Flyte), Michael Lindsay-Hogg (Director), Jane Asher (Celia Ryder), Nickolas Grace (Anthony Blanche) and Geoffrey Burgon (Composer). Also appearing in the programme are TV critics Rupert Smith, Jenni Murray, Tina Brown and Paul Morley, Christina Odone, Clifford Longley, Gore Vidal and TV Executive David Liddiment. This tribute to Granada TV's finest hour also includes a mini biography of Evelyn Waugh, with excerpts from TV interviews featuring Waugh in the 1960s - and describes how Brideshead Revisited was so enthusiastically received by the British public when first shown in 1981.
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《故园风雨后》主创人员回忆~各种美好,还有少量原著作者伊夫林·沃的访谈,Julia Flyte最初的人选竟然是Charlotte Rampling~
An affectionate look back at the making of the classic TV dramatisation of Evelyn Waugh's famous novel Brideshead Revisited. The documentary/tribute features contributions from Derek Granger (Producer) Jeremy Irons (Charles Ryder) Anthony Andrews (Sebastian Flyte) Charles Sturridge (Director) Diana Quick (Julia Flyte) Michael Lindsay-Hogg (Director) Jane Asher (Celia Ryd...
那个无法对性事更遑论同性情愫说三道四的年代,Evelyn Waugh自身经历和原著及剧集展现的暧昧氛围,如覆在爱欲二字上的轻纱薄雾。出尘光晕而非感官刺激令人流连。Jeremy Irons原本是Sebastian Flyte的首选,Anthony Andrews才是Charles Ryder的荧屏化身,机缘巧合终成不可超越的天作史诗。小说遗产到作家访谈,剧组拍摄期间的种种轶闻交织主创心得悠悠穿梭经年...