The invasion of the technology elite causes economic division and upheaval in the city of San Francisco.
The other side of SF
#digital divide behind gentrification. Urban renewal or displacement? Eradication of poverty or evacuation of the poor? Tech never spells the end of capitalism.
以为四十分钟要把SF跟几十年前对比,其实几乎都在讲gentrification,阶级流动性。这东西里面纪录片也讲了,这是资本主义的问题,不是科技公司(例:曼哈顿Harlem)。SF前市长Willie Brown讲话的时候那些言外之意呀,ugh。愿不愿意用这些工人阶层的生计和老旧社区去换全世界的科技革新?
2.0版的digital gold rush. 压缩的中产阶级。