The enemy is everywhere.
Kiefer Sutherland stars as John Weir in the new series Rabbit Hole, where nothing is what it seems. A master of deception in the world of corporate espionage, Weir must use all the resources at his disposal when he’s framed for murder by powerful forces with the ability to influence and control populations.
两集看下来还真有点意思,每集结尾都直接反转起来,有点当年HTGWM第一季的感觉。。 导演还是有点东西的,最后一集几个镜头切的还真以假乱真把剧情圆起来了,虽然结尾有点草率,但是这个“前妻”开杀就真的有点秀了
在这闹呢? 他死了,不,他没死。 他们死了,不,他们没死,不,他们真的死了! 他跳楼了,亲眼看到的,给他发信息,他是不是精神有问题?给死人发消息,结果他回复了。
有老tv那味了哎~~~~ 每集这ending 太赞了