Gary Cooper plays Lou Gehrig, the first baseman for the Yanks who suffered from a crippling and incurable disease. Even when Gehrig was a student at Columbia University, the press had already pegged him as a top ballplayer. Soon the New York Yankees selected Gehrig for their lineup, and he became an overnight sensation on the baseball diamond. But this dedicated player--who had never missed a game once he stepped onto a Major League Baseball field--suddenly fell ill with a mysterious disease. As his body began to fail him, Gehrig had to say good-bye to the fans who idolized him and to the sport he loved so dearly. The film's final scene is a deeply moving portrait of human courage. Also not to be missed is Babe Ruth’s cameo appearance as himself. Cooper’s performance is outstanding, measuring up to the drama that surrounded the real-life events. THE PRIDE OF THE YANKEEES remains one of the greatest biopics ever filmed, in addition to being perhaps the best sports film of the 20th century.
流水账一样的传记片。四十多岁的Gary Cooper扮演年轻时的Gehrig有种演技也无法弥补的违和感。扮演少年Gehrig的小男生倒是灵气十足,然而其结局令人唏嘘。
Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. 今年是Lou Gehrig 退役75周年,Gehrig与Babe Ruth 同期,为洋基效力17个赛季,6次世界大赛冠军,生涯.340/.447/.632,大联盟第一个背番退役的球员。患肌肉萎缩于38岁去世,后该病以他的名字命名。
我来自纽约,我为洋基队打球。这部电影充满了乐趣,直到Lou Gehrig做完演讲从人声鼎沸的洋基球场走进黑暗的球员通道。