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    洛拉电台 (Lola/LOLA/L.O.L.A.)



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      Hollywood-style time travel tales like to focus their attention on cultural fads and fashions: clothes, music, slang, daily technologies. The ingeniously low-budget Irish sci-fi film LOLA has fun with all of that, but also investigates darker, more global questions like: what if Germany had won World War II?
      Pieced together in dazzling 16mm as an imaginary collage of interlocking audio-visual documents from the 1940s, Andrew Legge, directing his debut feature, conjures the lives of two gifted and lively sisters, Thomasina and Martha. Left to their own devices as children, the pair has managed to create a machine that receives media broadcasts from the future. In their personal, cloistered, punk paradise, they embrace the rebellious styles of an age to come – The Kinks, David Bowie – but also discover, when military personnel move in, that history is a dangerous game to toy with. The ultimate question becomes: if mass media can change the world, can cinema miraculously restore it?
      Just like the monument to bricolage created by its characters, LOLA is an inspired conceit in the style of Guy Maddin, Woody Allen’s Zelig (1983) and Peter Jackson’s Forgotten Silver (1996). It’s a surreal romp through scratches, glitches and speculative possibilities.

    真挚的情感在那个年代的衬托下更加温柔动人。没想到是伪纪录形式,部分构思有点想起《乡锁》但完成度好于《乡锁》。You can not kill 【哔——】和《You really got me》两段最佳。

      Hollywood-style time travel tales like to focus their attention on cultural fads and fashions: clothes music slang daily technologies. The ingeniously low-budget Irish sci-fi film LOLA has fun with all of that but also investigates darker more global questions like: what if Germany had won World War II?   Pieced together in dazzling 16mm as an imaginary collage of interlocki...

    前半段特别好,一段窥探未来后被未来艺术装点的时光,尤其是两位女演员在黑白做旧胶片的风格之下显得格外迷人。后半段转到改变二战历史后就显得比较平庸了,碍于伪纪录片的选择也无法走向历史被改变的方向。最后的照片确实会让人第一时间想到《闪灵》。 3.5

    架空历史英伦第三帝国版 David Bowie 金曲,结局又见《闪灵》致敬。概念想法很好,故事细节过于随便,除了那些加工历史新闻画面外,伪纪录形式的时代感还原不太到位



    • 5.5高清版天蛛地灭
    • 0.0高清版厄洛米亚考克斯·哈比马,Ivan Andonov,Rolf Hoppe
    • 0.0高清版进击的巨人
    • 4.8高清版恐龙岛罗斯·哈根,理查德·加巴伊,Antonia Dorian,格里芬·德鲁,贝卡·乐波
    • 5.9高清版极乐欧文·威尔逊,萨尔玛·海耶克,玛德琳·奇玛,内斯塔·库珀,乔舒华·莱纳德,小豪尔赫·兰登伯格,钱信伊,德龙·霍顿,史蒂夫·齐西斯,梅西·麦克利,凯蒂·麦克凯布,Debbie Fan,Erin Flannery,凯拉·亚当斯,Megan Le,达林·库珀,克里斯托弗·艾伯,斯科特·道格拉斯麦·克拉克伦
    • 8.1高清版赛文奥特曼 太阳能作战毒蝮三太夫,影丸茂樹,松山鷹志,鈴木亜美,松熊信義
    • 7.3高清版平壤怪兽张善姬,Ham Gi Sop
    • 0.0高清版异世界的脱衣舞女郎克瑞斯·琳恩,艾丽卡·乔丹,Sophia Bella,克里斯蒂·史蒂文斯,Tasha Reign,Josh Rivers,赖安·卓勒
    • 0.0高清版朱同在三年级丢失了超能力岳昊,马千壹,徐艺瑄,方东海,王浩宇,张航诚,李勤勤,国义骞,郭笑,吴嵩,王珞丹,黄小蕾,饶晓志,金世佳,张本煜,范湉湉,谢波,叶浏,欧剑宇,周可,宋博,邓书荣,贾子千,陈艺天,朱启凤,王子川
    • 7.5高清版蓝色圣诞节胜野洋,竹下景子,仲代达矢,冈田英次,八千草薰,冲雅也,高桥悦史,田中邦卫,中谷一郎,大泷秀治,中条静夫,神山繁,岸田森,稻叶义男,松本克平,今福将雄,永井智雄,潮哲也,天本英世,村松克巳,大木正司,草野大悟,伊藤敏孝,小鹿番,堺左千夫,福崎和宏,松田洋治,武内亨,山本清,小川真司,芦田伸介,岛田正吾,小泽荣太郎
    • 0.0高清版聊斋新传之画皮人周宇鹏,马卉,林威,尹扬明,杜玉明,林俊贤,赵寒雪,范子绮,宋梓侨,侯立新,王子瑶
    • 7.0高清版网络迷宫克里斯多弗·兰伯特,迭戈·阿巴坦托诺,斯特凡妮娅·罗卡

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