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    纽约:美国最繁忙的城市 (忙碌之都:纽约/niuyuemeiguozuifanmangdechengshi)

    • 主演:Ade Adepitan Anita Rani Ant Anstead Dan Snow 
    • 导演:未录入 
    • 分类:动漫
    • 地区:英国 
    • 年份:2016 
    • 更新:01.01
    • 简介: Following the success of World’s Busiest Railway 2015, this new three-part series presented by Ade Adepitan, Anita Rani, Ant Anstead and Dan Snow takes viewers to the heart of three iconic public spaces in the city of New York: one of the busiest and most complex metropolises in the world. Filmed ..


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      Following the success of World’s Busiest Railway 2015, this new three-part series presented by Ade Adepitan, Anita Rani, Ant Anstead and Dan Snow takes viewers to the heart of three iconic public spaces in the city of New York: one of the busiest and most complex metropolises in the world.
      Filmed as live from Grand Central Terminal, the New Fulton Fish Market and Central Park, the series offers a 360-degree insight into the lives of New Yorkers - how they get about the city, how they are fed, and how they relax.
      Immersive films will show how transport, commerce, culture, leisure, food and retail play key roles in the life in the city, and the series will take viewers behind the scenes of some of the city’s biggest shops and organisations, as well as deep underground at major engineering projects to tell the story of New York, its people, and its history.


    • 0.0 全全24集集成何体统李诗萌,歪歪,钱文青,聂曦映,马程,苏尚卿,常蓉珊,钱琛,赵爽
    • 7.2 全导演剪辑版集斗罗大陆1沈磊,程玉珠,黄翔宇,王肖兵,倪康,赵乾景,吴磊,张琦,秦紫翼
    • 0.0全集七星鲁王宫
    • 5.3 全更新至579集集灵剑尊kinsen,柳知萧,关帅,黄骥,季骜杰,张妮,钟巍
    • 0.0 全HD国语集2024国剧盛典徐帆,印小天,周雨彤,何赛飞,侯长荣
    • 0.0更新至1集 光之美少女奇迹穿越 和大家的不可思议的1天悠木碧,依田菜津,河野ひより,加隈亜衣,武田華,金田アキ,白石晴香,成瀬瑛美,小原好美,安野希世乃,小松未可子,上坂すみれ,木野日菜,吉野裕行,引坂理絵,本泉莉奈,小倉唯,田村奈央,田村ゆかり,多田このみ,野田順子,福島潤,平田広明,稲垣来泉
    • 0.0 全更新20250124集声生不息.大湾区季何炅 / 王祖蓝 / 容祖儿 / 薛凯琪 / 陈小春 / 古巨基 / 卫兰 / 李宇春 / 周笔畅 / 黄子弘凡 / 李昊 / 回春丹 / 陈慧娴 / 谭咏麟 / 周慧敏 / 方力申
    • 8.9更新至2集 间之楔盐泽兼人,关俊彦,田中秀幸,中原茂,速水奖
    • 9.1 全已完结集火影忍者竹内顺子,杉山纪彰,中村千绘,井上和彦,关俊彦,松本和香子,大塚芳忠,胜生真沙子,柴田秀胜,森久保祥太郎,伊藤健太郎,柚木凉香,小杉十郎太,增川洋一,远近孝一,田村由香里,江原正士,水树奈奈,鸟海浩辅,川田绅司,落合露美,大谷育江,重松朋,下屋则子,飞田展男,石冢运升,浅野真由美,石田彰,加濑康之,朴璐美,中田让治,保志总一朗,神奈延年,三木真一郎,中村大树,家中宏,福田信昭,楠大典,本田贵子,平田广明,津田健次郎,坪井智浩,河野智之,根本圭子,铃木琢磨,小林由美子,津田英三,伊藤和晃,浅井清己,佐佐木望
    • 8.2全集变形金刚之隐者战士冬马由美,森功至,田中亮一,干本雄之,平野正人,山口健,青羽美代子,户谷公次,乡里大辅,佐藤正治,野田圭一,江森浩子,山田恭子,田之中勇,山本百合子,屋良有作,石井敏郎,深见梨加,堀秀行,难波圭一,盐屋浩三,小粥洋子,田中和实,泽木郁也,佐藤佑晖,深雪早苗,挂川裕彦,竹村拓,庄真由美,吉田理保子,盐屋翼,大野由佳,中尾岩雄,西村知道,大塚芳忠,堀之纪,柴田秀胜,铃木富子,上村典子,柏仓敦,速水奖,盐泽兼人,德丸完,鹤广美,小川真司,松尾银三,丸尾知子,浦和惠,半谷君惠,八百板万纪,银河万丈,草尾毅,一龙斋
    • 0.0 全已完结集我在岛屿读书第三季余华,苏童,程永新,叶子,米哈里,何碧玉,刘亮程,马家辉,狄米崔斯·莱尔科斯,罗彤,杨少波,西川,孟非,吴越,七堇年,房琪
    • 5.9更新至12集 身为女主角!水濑祈,内山昂辉,岛崎信长,佐仓绫音,早见沙织,榎木淳弥,麻仓桃,花江夏树,江口拓也,东山奈央,松冈祯丞,雨宫天,夏川椎菜

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