Story of a well-to-do elderly woman, who befriends the homeless and volunteers her time with children, who learns she has an incurable illness and wants desperately to reunite her three grown grand children (who are scattered across the U.S. living their own lives), with their estranged father, her son. She hires a private detective to search for them so as to try to get everyone together on Christmas Eve.
曾经那批爱好电影的人都已经老了,但他们还能在电视机前的摇椅上再次感受旧好莱坞黄金时代的圣诞梦。普世的大爱和以家庭为单位的小爱,通过老一辈的特瑞沃·霍华德和洛丽泰·扬化解,最终融合在了一起。PS: 谁说美国没有”别告诉她“的中式传统,本片就是一个很好的例子。
好看的 满满的年代感