Frankie Madison returns to New York after 14 years in prison. Noll Turner, Frankie's former partner in bootlegging, is now a wealthy nightclub manager, and Frankie is expecting him to honor a verbal '50:50' agreement they made when he was caught and Noll got away. Fat chance! Can Frankie, who knows only the strong-arm methods of Prohibition, win out against Big Business? It'll be tough...even with the unlikely alliance of torch singer Kay (Noll's ex-girlfriend).
情节生硬,痕迹明显,爱情桥段无张力,编剧试图在短短一个半小时内揉进太多冲突,矛盾也没有捋顺,在兰卡斯特和道格拉斯关系上着墨较多,但也未能刻画清楚悲剧的根源。只不过…全片台词那叫一个犀利啊,人人都出口成章,连走过场的招待、收拾完兰卡斯特的打手给的都是在其它影片中主角台词的待遇,简直是一部金句集锦。最喜欢兰卡斯特躺在沙发上一段颓废的自白,当然,有时一两句用力过猛,反倒让我笑出声来。 兰卡斯特:The...
The pen is mightier than the gun?
Frankie Madison returns to New York after 14 years in prison. Noll Turner Frankie's former partner in bootlegging is now a wealthy nightclub manager and Frankie is expecting him to honor a verbal '50:50' agreement they made when he was caught and Noll got away. Fat chance! Can Frankie who knows only the strong-arm methods of Prohibition win out against Big Business? It'll ...
一星给我的Burt/Kirk私心,这俩人的对戏性张力都强得吓人,Frankie和Dink简直老情人见面分外眼红……而且dead inside暖男Dave是真的爱Frankie……Frankie和Kat也是真的被人渣齐齐伤过的好姐妹……